Wednesday 18 July 2012

New Bioassociate report available for download: The Significance and Apparent Repercussions of the 2009-2015 Pharmaceutical Patent Cliff

Between 2009 and 2015, the pharmaceutical industry is facing the sharpest and most abrupt revenue decline in history. As part of this period, titled the “patent cliff”, 18 of the top 20 bestselling drugs will lose patent protection, inflicting losses on nearly all Big Pharma players, which have already resulted in tremendous changes in the industry’s modus operandi.
Sparked by the patent cliff, the transition period which befell the industry is currently on-going, with remarkable developments promising to re-shape the pharma world and beyond already visible.
Bioassociate has published a new report which covers the immediate effects of the patent cliff and the short- and long- term cliff-cushioning solutions adopted by large pharma, and introduces some of the clear industry trends emerging as a result.
Naturally, the repercussions of the patent cliff are further-reaching than the Innovative Pharma industry itself. The generics industry is undoubtedly anticipating lavish gains, but contract research, manufacturing and sales organizations are also bracing for significant growth in the near future.
Furthermore, affected by the current state of the global economy, governments are also working to incorporate price cuts on medications, which have become significantly more affordable as a result of the patent cliff.
In order to incorporate the wide-reaching repercussions of this event, this report is divided into four sections addressing the patent cliff and its effect on: ethical pharma, the generics industry, investors and governments and patients.
In the current industry situation, awareness of this tremendous event is a must for anyone wishing to have a more elucidated picture of pharma’s future.
Click here to download a copy of Bioassociate's latest report.

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